Welcome to our world of insantity.

Here you can read about the trials and tribulations of being a full time stay at home mom, wife and caregiver to my best friend in the world, my Grandmother. Gran has alzheimers, dementia, and parkinsons. Be sure to stop by often..you never know what kind of stories you will read here! Also check out my Stitching blog to see how I keep my insanity!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I really should be....

Cleaning! I am soooooooo tired. I have been up since 130 on Tuesday. I got no sleep last night..not even a wink. I do however have a ton of stuff for the yard sale. I hate having these sometimes. I have decided this time that whatever money I make off my name brand clothes, I will take with me to Pigeon Forge this weekend and spend it on stash! I already went to Dixie Darlins website and looked to see what I want to buy. Now I just need to email her and see if she has what I want. One thing for sure, if she doesn't, I can always get some hand dyed threads and fabrics! Gran asked for toast and jelly about 530 this morning. I made her some..she took 3 bites. Mom came down at 8 and we cleaned Gran up. She had an accident. The bath lady is supposed to be here at 3..but whats the point? Ive done bathed her. Sometimes I wonder. Why is it on bath day that I end up bathing her before the lady ever gets here? LOL..I think Gran is setting me up!
Off to clean...UGGGGGGGG Id rather stitch or sleep!

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