Welcome to our world of insantity.

Here you can read about the trials and tribulations of being a full time stay at home mom, wife and caregiver to my best friend in the world, my Grandmother. Gran has alzheimers, dementia, and parkinsons. Be sure to stop by often..you never know what kind of stories you will read here! Also check out my Stitching blog to see how I keep my insanity!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Sad day today

Today I had to give up and let Shawn and our friend ( Jason) take Punkin to the vet and be put to sleep. He had feline lukemia. He was soooooo sick and weak and pitiful. I just couldnt stand it no more. The vet told them he didnt even have a blood pressure.
He is now in ( Gran's) memory garden outside with Fathead , our rottie that died the day after Gran was buried. Im telling you, I cant take much more of this. Things have got to start looking up. HOPEFULLY, I will be going to work on Monday. I have got to find something to do..
Punkin is now lieing with Gran and she is loving on him.

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