Welcome to our world of insantity.

Here you can read about the trials and tribulations of being a full time stay at home mom, wife and caregiver to my best friend in the world, my Grandmother. Gran has alzheimers, dementia, and parkinsons. Be sure to stop by often..you never know what kind of stories you will read here! Also check out my Stitching blog to see how I keep my insanity!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What Are You Thankful For?

There was apost on the 123 message board and this was the subject..here is my reply.

I am thankful for the promise that God gave me when He said He would not give us more than we could bare. I am also thankful for His loving forgiveness and allowing His Son to be born and die for my sins.
I am also thankful for my family, a great support group when I am in need ( you friends!) and the fact that I can rest my mind knowing my Gran and Paw spent their anniversary in Heaven yesterday. I am also thankful for the fact that my husband worked 3 years by himself to support us so I could stay home and take care of Gran. I have many thankful memories that no one else will share and I cherish those. I could not have those , had he not been so selfless and understanding.
Happy Thanksgiving!

I think I have figured out why yesterday/last night was so hard on me. It was Gran and Paw's anniversary. It was thier first in Heaven together. I bet they had a glorious celebration. I had the most horrific dream this morning. I will not discuss it. It did not involve Gran but my sister that was killed in 2000. Very odd dream. I think I will take the kids to get some pizza in a bit since it is a 1/2 day at school. Im waiting on Devin to come home now.
I have been making snow people! They are so much fun and so cute. I will have to post a picture as soon as I find that silly camera!

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