Welcome to our world of insantity.

Here you can read about the trials and tribulations of being a full time stay at home mom, wife and caregiver to my best friend in the world, my Grandmother. Gran has alzheimers, dementia, and parkinsons. Be sure to stop by often..you never know what kind of stories you will read here! Also check out my Stitching blog to see how I keep my insanity!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Apple Sauce

I managed to get Gran to eat some peach apple sauce. About 5 bites.
She was talking to her sister Lillian earlier. Lillian has been gone around 5-6 months now. Doesnt seem like its been that long. She told me Lillian wants her to go with her. I told her she could. She then blinked and jumped back like something scared her. Lillian was gone and Paw was here. I would NEVER beleive that happened had I not witnessed it myself. The look on her face scared me..she said it was Paw(Ralph) and he was alone. She then dozed off. Paw mustve made a grand entrance or Lillian mustve not wanted to leave. She talked to her other sister Ina on the phone..poor Ina cried because of how Gran sounded. Ina asked Gran if she wanted her to come see her and she said..."I think youd better". I dont know if she was telling her if she didnt, she wouldnt get to or what.Gran made it very clear for me to tell Ina that she "loved her too" because she didnt think Ina heard her. She talks so low its hard now to understand. Im going to try to get her some medicine. Her knuckles are swollen. The inside of her lips and mouth are chapped but I cant get her to drink much. I have swabs that I use to moisten her mouth when she lets me. Bless her heart....
Im stitching some at night now...Im workin on some Christmas presents, ornaments, exchanges, and RRs. Just what ever I really feel like picking up. I think though that Im gonna get to working on that rose...Im going to make it into a pillow to put with Gran. I hope I can get it done.

1 comment:

Monsoon said...

It sounds like she has lots of company and visitors.I would find it very comforting to know that the otherworld is there and ready for her.