Welcome to our world of insantity.

Here you can read about the trials and tribulations of being a full time stay at home mom, wife and caregiver to my best friend in the world, my Grandmother. Gran has alzheimers, dementia, and parkinsons. Be sure to stop by often..you never know what kind of stories you will read here! Also check out my Stitching blog to see how I keep my insanity!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Peach Cobbler at 2 am

Before I got ready for bed at 2, I checked on Gran as I always do. I always lay my hand on her forehead and rub her arms to make sure she is warm. Sometimes she will awaken..she did at 2. I asked her if she was hungry and she said yes so I gave her some Gerber peach cobbler for babies. She liked it. We just call it pudding...no need for her to know its really baby food. She wouldn't like the idea of knowing that she has gone back to the infancy stage. I have always heard that eventually one does resort back to that stage but I guess I just didn't realise how true that would be in Gran's life. She has always been a short little lady...5 foot and she is now trying to curl up into the fetal position the best she can. I straighten her a hundred times a day and she will go right back into the crooked uncomfortable looking position no matter whether she is on her side or her back. I guess she's just most comfortable that way. And that is all that matters...her comfort.

Autumn didnt want to go to bed last night...she kept lingering around her Dad and I. I was trying to get him a ring tone for his phone that he could hear. ( He's deaf in one ear as is Autumn) Autumn thought she was going to get a new one for her phone too but she didn't. She was mad. I told her that tonight she has to be in bed by 9 and if she gives me problems, she will go at 830 tomorrow night and etc til she gets enough sleep and can get up and get ready on time. I had to do that to Devin once. If I could just get Devin to get his self up, he would be doing great. He does go to bed at a decent hour but Im worried that once football is over, he wont. (He has A.D.D. and always has had trouble sleeping)
I think I need to have Autumn tested although her grades are good. She made A,B honor roll. But she goes all the time and she talks a hundred miles a minute! LOL...Shawn tells her she has diarrhea of the mouth! Sometimes she does and we have to remind her that her mouth is running off again. I know...not nice but it seems to be the only way we can get her to be quite. LOL..She even talks and argues in her sleep! (Walks as well) Speaking of sleep....Im going to get some...I have pics to post later on today. Ill post them to my photobucket and 123. I really need to update my stitching blog...maybe I will...

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